Located in close proximity to the Roman fort, the Museum ? whose bases have been laid since 1912 ? houses an important collection of artifacts, including a lapidary from roman times. In fact, three of the nine halls of the History-Archaeology section are dedicated to the Roman era, namely the Dacian-Roman wars, the ancient Roman monuments, and the spiritual life in the ancient settlement of Drobeta.In the courtyard of the Museum were discovered, in 2010, the ruins of a Roman amphitheater. According to the data presented in the Guide to Museums and Collections in Romania, this could be one of the constructions represented on Traian's Column, along with the bridge and the castrum. The ruins of the Roman fort and the thermae, the foot of Trajan's Bridge and the vestiges of the Roman amphitheater can currently be visited in the archaeological park administered by the Museum of the Iron Gates Region. Periodically, the Museum hosts cultural and educational events, such as summer schools, ethnography workshops for students, restoration workshops, etc.